چطور بایک لوله دستمال کاردستی های زیبا درست کنیم؟(اموزش تصویری)

10 uses for toilet roll tubes

Who doesn’t love a good recycling project? I certainly do! The number one product to recycle must be a toilet roll. I don’t think that there are many people who have never made anything with this object. So today I am going to show you 10 uses for toilet roll!

Read all the 10 uses for toilet roll tubes after the jump. . .


10 uses for toilet rolls crown

I’ve found these sweet little toilet roll crowns at Creative Jewish Mom. Would be great for a little princess party!

10 uses for toilet rolls cord holder

What about this smart way to keep your cords together? Amy at Sei Lifestyle made these cord holders from toilet rolls.

10 uses for toilet rolls confetti poppers

I love these confetti popper rockets! They are so cute and easy to make. You can find a tutorial on Alpha Mom.

10 uses for toilet rolls cable storage

This is a really smart way to keep your cables: toilet roll storage! I imagine you can use it for other things like craft supplies or make up to. You can find a really easy tutorial on Instructables.

10 uses for toilet rolls bracelet cuffs

This is a fun thing to do with kids: cuff bracelets made out of toilet roll! I found these on Eighteen25.

10 uses for toilet rolls seeding pots

I think I need to try this: starter seed pots from toilet roll. Looks easy enough! Found these at House of Humble.

10 uses for toilet rolls pillow boxes

Do you need a quick gift box? Use a toilet roll to make a pillow box! Love this idea from Bells Inspires!

10 uses for toilet rolls owls

This must be one of my favorites. I know, it isn’t really useful but I love the simplicity of this cute little toilet roll owls. I found them at Creative Jewish Mom.

10 uses for toilet rolls heart stamping

Another great craft to do with kids: toilet roll stamping! Never thought about it, but they do make cute hearths! Great idea Blog Ala Cart!

10 uses for toilet rolls fire starters

Last but not least this toilet roll fire sta

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