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diy vintage lace bag mod podge

Do you remember the brown leather purses I found in the thrift store? I posted them last week in ‘Latest thrift store finds’. I really love these little purses. I don’t care that they are scratched and torn. It all adds up to the vintage feel. I love bags with character! But I thought I could make them even a little more special. I really wanted to keep the vintage feel, but I wanted to make the bag more unique. What did I do to make that work? I used lace! And some Mod Podge of course..

Read the full instructions on this DIY vintage lace purse after the jump. . .


diy vintage lace bag mod podge

What you need for this DIY vintage lace bag

- an old leather bag or purse
- lace
- Mod Podge
- brush
- Fabric glue
- scissors

diy vintage lace bag mod podge

How to make a fabulous vintage lace purse

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